
Best form of magnesium for males
Best form of magnesium for males

best form of magnesium for males

Scientific studies will then often follow the experiences of these trailblazers. While anecdotal reports are not a substitute for science, it’s always a good idea to pay attention to the real experiences from real people and top trainers who are using any supplement, as they are often “ahead of the curve” because they do a lot more experimentation than anyone. There are also countless bodybuilders, athletes, and world-class trainers who swear by magnesium supplementation for significant testosterone increases. In this case, however, I find the evidence that magnesium works to increase testosterone quite overwhelming, and I can’t find much of anything from a trusted source that would state otherwise. Like almost any claim on the internet, it is possible to find people who make other claims. I will get into the details of the 3 most important and interesting studies on the topic. There is plenty of peer-reviewed scientific evidence to back up the claim that proper magnesium supplementation does indeed increase testosterone levels in men.

best form of magnesium for males

Here we dive into the science behind this claim, the best types of magnesium supplements, the most effective dosages, and more… Does magnesium supplementation increase testosterone? Surprised? Well, this article aims to provide an in-depth and scientific look at everything men need to know about increasing testosterone through proper magnesium supplementation so you will no longer think of this natural supplement as just another mineral. What do you think of when you think of the term testosterone booster? Probably some crazy supplement, with a bunch of warnings on the side & some new chemical you’ve never heard of, right? Well, I’m about to tell you about a testosterone booster that is as natural as the air we breathe.

Best form of magnesium for males